Cranberry Orange Sauce Recipe (2024)

Cranberry Orange Sauce is a Thanksgiving staple in our house. It's incredibly easy to make Cranberry Orange Sauce from scratch that even the most novice cook can master it and the flavors are so much brighter than the canned stuff you find at the store. It's very possibly one of the easiest Thanksgiving side dishes to make.

Cranberry Orange Sauce is a delicious must for Thanksgiving along withCheesecloth Turkey, or Cajun Turkey Recipe if you like a little kick, and of coarse you can't forget the Crock Pot Stuffing.

Cranberry Orange Sauce Recipe (1)

I've loved Cranberry Orange Sauce for as long as I can remember. It just wouldn't be Thanksgiving or Christmas with out a large bowl of zesty Orange Cranberry Sauce. When I was a wee little one my Dad tells a story of one Thanksgiving I climbedup on the table and polished off the entire dish of cranberry sauce before anyone realized what was going on.

Oops! Thank goodness I was so cute or they might have been mad at me.

Colt and I had made a large container of Cranberry Orange Sauce recipe for Thanksgiving, but it was gone before we could ever capture a picture so we made another batch of the ruby colored deliciousness to go with a Rosemary Sage Pork Loin Roast we had been keeping in the freezer for the last few weeks. It was so delicious!

Here's how to make Homemade Cranberry Orange Sauce:

Cranberry Orange Sauce Recipe (2)

Combine in a large sauce pan:

  • 6 cups Washed Cranberries
  • 1 whole Orange Zested, Chopped Fine
  • 3/4 cup Orange Juice
  • 1 cup Water
  • 1 3/4 Sugar Or To Taste

Stir until well combined.

Tip: I find the darker ruby red cranberries have a tendency to be a little sweeter with better flavor when choosing bags of cranberries. I also avoid bags with wrinkled cranberries and discard any I find when I wash the berries, since the wrinkly berries have a tendency to be soft and starting to go bad. I also look for dark orange, oranges with skin that smells fragrant when purchasing andprefer organic produce when available to avoid any extra preservatives on the orange zest.

Cranberry Orange Sauce Recipe (3)

Bring cranberry sauce to a simmer. Reduce heat to low and cook until cranberries start to pop open about 10-15 minutes.

Cranberry Orange Sauce Recipe (4)

Serve cranberry sauce at room temperature or cold. Store unused cranberry sauce in the refrigerator.

Sadly all the Cranberry Orange Sauce was eaten during the making of this post and no longer exists in my fridge. We may or may not have a serious Cranberry addiction in our house. I refuse to answer on grounds I'm not ready to give up my little ruby red gems.

I've also been drooling over this Cranberry Casserole over at Best Casserole Recipes. It would make a delicious side dish or dessert.

For other Cranberry recipes make sure to check out:

  • Moist Orange Cranberry Bread With Orange Glaze
  • Cranberry Orange Muffins
  • Cranberry Orange Coffee Cake
  • Orange Cranberry Pistachio Shortbread Cookies

Cranberry Sauce Recipe, Cranberry Orange Sauce, Cranberry Orange Sauce Recipe, Cranberry Orange Sauce Recipes, Cranberry-Orange Sauce, Recipe For Cranberry Orange Sauce, Homemade Cranberry Orange Sauce, Cranberry and Orange Sauce, Cranberry Orange Sauce Thanksgiving, Best Cranberry Orange Sauce, Cranberry and Orange Sauce Recipe, Cranberry Orange Recipe, Orange Cranberries, Cranberry Sauce Dish, Cranberry Orange Sauce for Pork, Cranberries with Orange, Easy Cranberry Orange Sauce, Recipe Cranberry Orange Sauce, Cranberry Dessert Sauce, Orange Cranberry Recipe, Cranberry Sauce Recipe with Oranges, Zesty Orange Cranberry Sauce, Cranberry Orange Sauce Recipe for Thanksgiving, Cranberry Orange Juice Sauce, How To Make Cranberry Orange Sauce, Cranberry Sauce Recipe, Homemade Cranberry Sauce, Cranberry Sauce Recipes, How To Make Cranberry Sauce, Fresh Cranberry Sauce, Best Cranberry Sauce Recipe, Cranberry Sauce with Orange Juice, Zesty Orange Cranberry Sauce, Cranberry Sauce Homemade, Cranberry Sauce Recipe, Cranberry Sauce with Orange, Recipe

Cranberry Sauce, Recipe, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Side


Yield: 14

Author: Serena Bakes Simply From Scratch

Cranberry Orange Sauce Recipe (5)

Cranberry Orange Sauce Recipe

Cranberry Orange Sauce is a Thanksgiving staple in our house. It's incredibly easy to make Cranberry Orange Sauce from scratch that even the most novice cook can master it and the flavors are so much brighter than the canned stuff you find at the store. It's very possibly one of the easiest Thanksgiving side dishes to make.

Prep time: 5 MinCook time: 20 MinTotal time: 25 Min


  • 6 cups Cranberries, Washed and Any Soft Ones Discarded
  • 1 whole Orange Zested, Chopped Fine
  • 3/4 cup Orange Juice
  • 1 cup Water
  • 1 3/4 cup Sugar


  1. Combine cranberries, orange zest, orange juice, water, and sugar in a large sauce pan. Stir until well combined.
  2. Bring to a simmer over medium-high heat, and reduce temperature to low. Simmer cranberry sauce for 10-15 minutes, until cranberries break open and sauce starts to thicken.
  3. Serve Cranberry Orange Sauce warm, at room temperature or cold.
  4. Store leftover Cranberry Orange Sauce in the refrigerator.

Nutrition Facts


0.08 g

Sat. Fat

0.01 g


31.76 g


1.65 g

Net carbs

30.12 g


27.99 g


0.30 g


1.96 mg


0.00 mg

Calories are estimated.

© 2013 Serena Bakes Simply From Scratch

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Cranberry Orange Sauce Recipe (6)

Cranberry Orange Sauce Recipe (7)

Cranberry Orange Sauce Recipe (2024)


Why is my homemade cranberry sauce not thickening? ›

One possibility is that you may not have used enough sugar: Sugar helps the sauce firm up, so be sure to use the full amount called for in a recipe. Another possibility is that the cranberries need to boil for longer, releasing their pectin and ensuring a jelly consistency.

How many people does 1 can of cranberry sauce feed? ›

One 12-ounce bag of cranberries makes about 2 1/4 cups of basic cranberry sauce—in my house, that's enough for about five people. Going the canned route? You'll need at least one can for six people.

Do you have to do anything to canned cranberry sauce? ›

It's perfectly fine to serve up cranberry sauce — whole berry or jelled — straight out of the can. But in my experience, heating the canned sauce up takes its flavor to the next level. Plus, it becomes a little more aesthetically pleasing.

How to jazz up cranberry sauce? ›

Top with dried or fresh fruits

Sure, you can go all meta with some dried cranberries or sliced fresh raw cranberries, but I also like to think about complementary flavors — dried cherries, dried mulberries, golden raisins, chopped apricots. All work great with cranberry sauce.

What to do when cranberry sauce doesn t set? ›

If you have followed these instructions, and for some reason the sauce still won't gel, add 1 envelope of unflavoured gelatin to the sauce and bring to a hard boil, stirring frequently. Reduce heat to medium-high; cook an additional 5 minutes.

How do you fix sauce that is not thickening? ›

The most readily available sauce-thickener is flour. For a too-thin sauce, try adding a slurry (equal parts flour and water, whisked together) or beurre manie (equal parts softened butter and flour, kneaded together to form a paste)—both are ideal thickeners for rich and creamy sauces, such as steak sauce recipes.

Will cranberry sauce thicken as it cools? ›

The sauce will thicken as it cools. If you want a cranberry mold that holds its shape, continue to boil the mixture so that more pectin is released from the fruit, additional water evaporates, and the sauce becomes thick enough to set into a firm gel.

Does sugar thicken cranberry sauce? ›

Sugar helps the thickening process, and while it's nice to try to keep your cranberry sauce from being too sugary sweet, you will need at least some sugar to make it work well (about 1/2 cup sugar per 12-ounce bag of cranberries).

How long does it take for cranberry sauce to thicken? ›

If cranberry sauce is cooked enough (until the berries pop), the pectin in the fruit will cause it to naturally thicken. It will continue to thicken as it cools, so if your sauce isn't as thick as you'd like, chill it for an hour or two.

Is canned cranberry sauce better than homemade? ›

While there are some editors who prefer homemade cranberry sauce, the canned variety also has quite a following. "There's something so beautifully perfect about the texture of canned cranberry sauce, and none of those homemade mess will ever compete," says Senior Digital Food Editor Kimberly Holland.

Should homemade cranberry sauce be served warm or cold? ›

Should cranberry sauce be served warm or cold? You could, of course, serve it straight out of the pot, but I think it's best after it's chilled in the fridge. Chilling it helps it firm up some more in the fridge, plus, serving it this way means you can make it days ahead of a holiday.

Can cranberry sauce go bad? ›

When to Toss Cranberry Sauce. Cranberry sauce will last for two hours at room temperature. Homemade cranberry sauce will last in the fridge for 10 to 14 days. Canned cranberry sauce that has been opened will last up to a week in the fridge.

Why does my homemade cranberry sauce taste bitter? ›

Dear Evelyn: I had the same problem when I first started making my own cranberry sauce. I found out that you should cook them just until they pop. Further cooking will make them bitter, and once that happens, you need to start again.

Why is my homemade cranberry sauce runny? ›

Though they won't tolerate runny sauce, so it's time to fix that. The simplest reason that your cranberry sauce is too runny is that it has too much liquid in it. Usually, this is just water, but some people use orange juice or other flavored fluids. No matter what you're using, the answer is to cook it longer.

What thickens cranberry sauce? ›

Cranberries contain natural pectin and will gel without any additions. Cook until the berries pop to release the juices and then simmer another 5 minutes or so. It will not seem thick then but will thicken as it cools. If you really want it thicker, you can add additional pectin with a product such as Sure-Jell.

Does homemade cranberry sauce thicken as it cools? ›

The sauce will thicken as it cools. If you want a cranberry mold that holds its shape, continue to boil the mixture so that more pectin is released from the fruit, additional water evaporates, and the sauce becomes thick enough to set into a firm gel.

How do you thicken cranberry sauce without gelatin? ›

Cranberries contain natural pectin and will gel without any additions. Cook until the berries pop to release the juices and then simmer another 5 minutes or so. It will not seem thick then but will thicken as it cools. If you really want it thicker, you can add additional pectin with a product such as Sure-Jell.

What makes cranberries thicken? ›

When the cranberries are heated, the berries begin to break down and pop open. The pectin is then released and reacts with the sugar and juices to form long polymers and thicken the sauce. This process creates the cranberry sauces and jellies which are so familiar at holiday dinners.

Can I use cornstarch to thicken my cranberry sauce? ›

In a small cup make a slurry with cornstarch and 1 tablespoon water. Whisk cornstarch mixture into cranberry sauce and cook, whisking, until sauce thickens.

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