The Bennington Evening Banner from Bennington, Vermont (2024)

iAA" 1 i I Ms W. If CM I "I ewritatMip -W4. ftbu in 4 i- THE EVENING BANNER, BENNINGTON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, ,1939 h. 1 if'S v-' PAGE TYVQ It' Ti Household Unit's Togs and Clothing Given To Needy at Christmas i rr i ft if nr rr Manchester, Jan. 12 For several ol thym all Involves many hours of By BETTY WELLS by appointment only Write or Telephone 69 8-J Post Office and Station, 'North Bennington, Vt.

OPEN DAILY 9 a. m. to 9 p.m. SITTINGS BY DAY OR NIGHT PVERY be kno lady bus a hankering to be known as a charming hostess to be celebrated for her little dinneis It doesnt take so much money to achieve minor fame in our circle of friends as it does backstage planning, a flair for making people (and I mean the family too) happy and comfortable at the table, a lot of loving care, and the kind of imngmatiop that can mike beauty out of a small Unusual of pottery, a few lowly blooms, a work. Mrs.

L. M. Kelley, president of the association and her group of Volunteers assumed responsibility for that phase of the work. The following new articles were purchased and distributed: 57 suits of underwear 50 pairs of stockings: 17 pairs of mittens and gloves, 24 pair ol 13 pairs of overshoes; seven pairs of trousers; thice pairs of overalls; four boys woolen jackets; six dresses: three flannel shirts; six slips; four bloomers and four undershirts. It was the intention of the Nursing association that all those who were in need should be looked and as far as they know this goal, was attained, and the Christina season was brightened for a number of townspeople by the thoughtfulness and generosity of the community candle or two.

a 11 EDi.P. MAHAR UNERAL HOME ESAllwER and njNERAt Director 16 Bennington vrls Vermont License No. 488 Phene 79-J i LIGHTS AND DARKS pyjlWBM The back-stage planning is probably the most Important (after the menu!) That means a welhorgan-Ized kitchen, a menu thactVould make a ripple in itself and plenty of chiha, silver and glass. (Which is the aspect nearest our heart today). For everyday, a set of six ef fev-erythlng is usually enough in the average family, but for company best, it is better to start with a round dozen of everything.

Your China. Two cream pitchers are a boon-one to pinch hit for drawn butter, syrup and so on Get coffee cups that are big if you want to make a hit with the men Berry dishes are nice because they can do for either pudding or fruit desserts or as under dishes for Father's To. i mato Ketchup, Mothers Worcester- GUSTAVE LOREYS CLEAN-SWEEP CLEARANCE OF ALL DISPLAY MODELS TU O' Lr I Sharp Reductions Op Things Yonye Wanted! years the Manchester District Nurs-ing association has extended material rebel and cheep at Christmas to needy persons and families in town, the success of this worthy project being largely due to the co-operation and assistance of a number of organizations as well to individual volunteer aid. The Nursing association greatly appre. elates this and fishes to take this means of publicly thanking all who helped in any way to make this project such a success.

The spirit of helpfulness and tbSftty and the willingness to saert-iipe' time, effort and money at season of many personal demands, and the unsolicited contributions of money and articles from the several organizations and Individuals is most commendable and gratifying to those who have the project di charge and also much appreciated by those less fortunate peopl who receive this aid. Donations of money for the work were made by the Salvation Army, the Rotary dub, the Ladies Benevolent society of the Congregational church, the Center arent Teacher association, the Village Parent Teacher association, Adorn-ram Chapter, E. Excelsior Rebekah the Business Girls club. The children of the Junior Red Cross helped too, and a large number of toys wer.e collected by them and tjae used one? reconditioned. In addition to Hhc used articles of clothing which were contributed by various and distributed, by Nursing association, pearly 200 new items were purchased.

The Re-bekahs also distributed several baskets ol food to families recommended by the association to xt chive tlus assistance. i A factor contributing greatly to the success of the Christmas relief venture is the assistance received from the local merchants, through discounts on purchases as well as gifts of mittens, rubbers, overshoes, etc Ninety children received gifts of toys, so thsir childish hearts were gladdened by these remembrances as well as by necessities of clothing Mrs Martin was again chairman of the committee which hsd charge of the project and as official shopper she bore the brunt of the work To get some con- for Fine PHOTOGRAPHS Marion tf) NASH Beginning' Dont you think the brunette the more serious and sensible of the two? To be sure I do! Blondes are all light-headed, of course. 4-w 4 4 .00 291 Bran 'St. lOJI-M sM I l.AI ft Really Efficient In the oysters I told you to open, said the head of the household. growing impatient.

There they are," Replied the new maid, proudly. It took me a long time to clean them, but Ive done it at last, and thrown all the insides away. PJI 3: i rt I DISPLAY MODELS: HOT, POINT ElECTftlC REFRIGERATORS 4 (. Urt LU .4 IriiU'. Youve wanted an electrical ref.ptrator! Perhaps youve pat off buying if in hopes of saving ir.eneyt Well, here's your golden opportunity.

TVeve marked down every one of our display models, every model on oar floor tn order to dispose of the entire stock before the 1939 models come in. Every single refrigerator is brand new and fully guaranteed. Many of them are yet to have their switch turned on. Many have just been taken out cf their original erateS. Not all sizes, not all models, but if youre Interested In saving money on a brand pew refrigerator heres your chance.

And besides wgve made special low down payments and convenient monthly payments on thh budget plan, i UP and Skate Shoes, Straps, repaired and put in perfect condition. KING'S SHINE PARLOR Next to Woolworth a mdBrSt vmmaamgmiJAJiimBia msafffff Right You Are! Mrs. White Why, I can write my name jn the dust on this piano' Maid Yeh, it ban a great thing to be educated. Make your beautiful china serve a decorative purpose. shire ct al.

Butter plates are a good habit at every meal more dishes but loss clutter. Porridge dishes do double duty for cereals at breakfast and for soups at lunch or din- ner. 1 Include a pitcher, ice tea glasses, sherbet glasses, water glasses and (or popular cheese glass Why He Left Elsie But if you are a hough t-jeader, why do you read my hand ception of that task one has pubr1" instead of my mind Jimmy Its so much easier. I can see at once that you have a hand i American parlance co*cktail glasses itlow Chicle Is Seenred The basic gum entering into the manufacture pf chewing gum is chicle, obtained by coagulating the or latex, of the sapoto tree of Centi at AgtlTi to visualize the variety of ages, sizes and needs of both sexes that had to be shopped for The sorting, 1 labeling and. bundling of tjjes articles lpy families, and the distribution Pathfinder magazine.

you zj a Quantities are limited! flutrp for be.t selections! These refrigerator were originally priced from 5144.95 to NOW you Can save up. My! Mother Well, Jimmy, da think your teacher likes you Jimmy- I think so, cause she marks a big kiss on my 'rlthmetic. Periscope. rT(Ss7LV to $Zii. if 4 J'f' i 4 i 's DECIDE ODAY! 33, OUR unselfish POLICY ,) ef Serving ajj -within means makeaJLpossible for, any family, to call us certain of a memorial tf dignity, Without fhedanger of high eostS.

The Odds "IShat do the three balls In front of 4 pawnshop mean?" Two to one you dont get it back. Chinese Wedding Custom Chinese newlyweds always eat a ceremonious dinner of a pigs heart, because they will then have "the same heart, which is the word for harmony. jtm HERnL'IUffilEsT Unf.U)flSHlNCTON,lT. it if a 1 I 4 I I' 8 DISPLAY MODELS: and HOT POINT" ELECTRIC RANGES Si Youve wanted an electric range for a long time. Its so dean and fast and efficient and beautiful to look at.

Its so economical to use. Costs less to operate than many people think. More people are turning to electric ranges every year. But the 1939 models will soon be coming in and we have to make room for them. PracUrally every model on our floor has to go.

Weve marked them at special low prices, made a sperial low down payment and arranged the balance on the budget plan In small monihly payments. These ranges are all new, in a selection of many models and have never been off our floor. All in perfect condition and guaranteed the same as If they were yet unpacked. If you want tn electric range and want to save money on one of the best, here's your chance. rsr-r size for tomato or fruit juiceh For best, the taller the stems of the goblets, the more regal the effect Aim at a service of twelve, though you can get along on eight if you must.

Have extra teaspoons and remember that butter spreaders are gracious and handy. Then, having acquired these really nice things for your table, dont hide their light under a barrel Enjoy your good silver every day, since theres no worry about breakage. Remember that beautiful chips glass are decorative, so arrange them somewhere the living rop( or dining room in group jpf low open shelves they will make ft pattern on your walls, i Ideas About Breakfast. Ever notice what definite idea i people have about breakfast? Theyll take other meals pretty 1 much as they come, but Just speak a harsh word about a certain kind of breakfast menu and sure as fate somebody in hearing ill pipe up in defense of anything from black bean soup (which I had for breakfast in Japan) to the fried fish I got as an eye opener in Scotland. I grew up thinking nothiug of fried potatoes and steak for breakfast, and hot biscuits went without saying.

Up in Maine this summer the 1 farmer and his family started their 1 day on baked beans and doughnuts. In England Ive had as many as five courses for breakfast, including i 1 1 both fish and melit and topping Tt with ap egg and fried 4 Partly in the interests of vitamins and partly in the interests of my I figget, I meekly restrict mjself to rri J1' mug to 5" vr Friday and Saturday pjt SAYE TIT3 at; .4 took I Childrens $1.50 Lined Ski Pants SB5533BffiESaemi Mohawk 4 8 Sheets -SI 90 "value LOO Quantities are limited, but a selection of many models awaits the early eomers. Thcse ranges sold from $139.50 to 5189.30, and NOW yon can save up to 540. at- I i. I (F $.

SAVINGS AS LITTLE AS 4 DOWN 86 A WEEK Payable Monthly the Budfet -1 ON LAMPS! Mens 't5c Overall I Pants $1.50 Large Size Tlaid Double Blankets 75c Larpe Size Plaid Single Blankets Ladies AH Wool Ski Jackets $5.00 Large 25 Wool Double Blankets Display Models and Pemonstrators FLOOR CLEANERS Many One-of-a-Kind-Models That We're Anxious ts Close Out at Real Savings! All Fully Guaranteed! 2 for Hl.00 $3.00 1 2 for $1 I $2.00 ramnwaa Mens $1.50 FLOOR LAMPS TABLE LAMPS, A -a BRIDGE LAMPS JUNIOR LAMPS Heavy Outing amas .00 Boys $6Ji0 -f- I All Wool AipyKIpoy Ages 4 to 18 xwv -yw ifti 5 DRESSES vi faHaueggjgLA.smtK.augy Jligh AnKIe Lace Sizes fi tb 2 HKSKBmEBSH If you've been in the market for a dependable vacuum cleaner and hoped that some day you'd be able (4 boy one at a savings, here's your sale. These cleaners have been used as display models and demonstrators, but all are guaranteed the tame as new. Sold originally from $39.90 to 539-93. NOW you can save up to 520. Ladies $3.00 Rayon Silk, 1 ift Dresses' New there Is a way to make two waffles at ft time on one griddle.

i orange juice, toast and a egg for six days a week. But on Sjuj-j day I threw' caution' to the winds and have waffles, lovely crapy ones with bacon or sausage, and swim-j mmg butter and, maple syrup. Thats one sure way to get 11 the 1 family down to breakfast on Ltpe The only trouble about waffle breakfasts for company has 'been making them fast enough. A few times weve borrowed the neighbors griddle-And kept two going Ml once, but that makes an awful lot of machinery at the table. So you can see how thrilled I was when I got my first look at the new i double waffle griddle that Works on a swivel base.

It makes two waffles at once ahd beauties they are too. I Now I'll have' to get busy at my hinting and see if I can find some-1 body tn the family wholl put ohe hr my Christmafr stocking, By Betty WelU. UNO Scnlt -1 1 $4.00 Jf i 4 $lzes 14 to 20 Wrte clearing fear Stock of lamp an yenll And many, many 'attractive ef-fert. Every lamp from a reputable manufacturer and fuUy guaranteed. Be lure to tee tbepv Be sure Jo pee the special low prices on many' smst! ap-1 pliances.

Important reductions on toasters, waffle irons, flat irons and many other necessary Itema. a H.00 Girls $5.00 AS Little As J3.3S Down A Month on the Budget Flat. 5Ien 95c Suedine Shirts JSfBasn Johnsons Hunting Coats 'With --Game Pockets- 7.00 Men $3.66 Part tBreeches 2.00 Boys $3.00 AU Wool Zipper Jackets, 2.00 Coats 4 3.00 for $1 The TVHN. GAS and ELECTRIC. CO.

Drastic Price Reductions on All Winter Clothes and Footwear 4 t' Come, -Save! i 4 Xreasare la Indma Chapel Among the treasures to seen In the Indian chapel Caugna-j waga, cppcf te Tnchirc, Qj re -two-century old wumrum belt and an ostensorium dating back to 16C9. ass.

The Bennington Evening Banner from Bennington, Vermont (2024)
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Author: Frankie Dare

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.